I Want People to Know This is a Real System
Hi I'm Shane and I'm from Los Angeles, California. I wanted to write this testiomonial not because I was asked to but because I want people to know this is a real system. Before getting this system my credit score was in the mid 500s. Like other credit systems it always sounds too good to be true. This is the one that isn't. Literally in 45 days when my first round of letters went out my score increased 70 Pts. The second round got my score into the 700s. I'm not going to say everyone's credit will do that but I will say this system will improve your score. It's really simple and the steps were easy to follow. What's also cool is that if you have a question you will get a real reply. So if you really want to help yourself and not depend on others this is the first and last step you will need to take. Thanks CreditLife for sharing your credit repair techniques and system with the people. - Shane W.